It’s DVD day again… YAY

I Haven’t Seen it and Don’t Want to

Big Love (Season 3)

I’m a big HBO TV defender, but this show really went over my head at the time.  I haven’t watched it since the end of Season 1 but I have no real interest in going back to it any time soon.

The Final Destination

I remember when the first of these films came out and I found it enjoyable but with every iteration they’ve pushed this franchise deeper and deeper into the ground and I have no interest in seeing it go deeper.

I Haven’t Seen it but I Want to

Chuck (Season 2)

Douglas (my cohost in The Unnamed Movie Podcast) has been on me to watch this show and I guess I’ll eventually give it a whirl.  I know there’s a huge fan following to this show about a nerdy tech becoming basically a CIA spy every week, but for now it remains unwatched and a curiosity of mine.

50 Dead Men Walking

I guess I like Jim Sturgess, or maybe it’s my obsession with undercover cop films.  The movie could turn out to be completely generic and bland but it peeks my interest for a few key reasons.


This is possibly one of the films from 2009 that I was sad I wasn’t able to see.  Michelle Monaghan and Nathan Fillion that looks like an indie dramatic hit.  I will definitely be watching this sometime in the very near future and I hope you guys will give it a chance too.

Check These Out (i.e. Rent)

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs

When I saw this movie in theatres I wasn’t that happy with it but it definitely is worth a rent if you have little children around that you want distracted for a whole 90 minutes while you rest yourself.  (review)

Burn Notice (Season 1 & 2)

Here is a TV show that took it’s time to win me over.  It definitely doesn’t get great until half way through the first season and after that it’s all good.  Bruce Campbell does well and the rest of the cast fill it out in a fun little smart completely episodic crime solving show with a fun lead character.  Sometimes some of Michael Weston’s accents can be hilariously bad but the rest of the show makes up for it.  Not good enough to enter into my collection, but worth a look see if you think you would like that kind of thing or are a TV junkie.

Here are some movies being rereleased on BluRay for HD fans

Here is the thing.  I’m not ‘recommending’ these movies.  I’m just letting the already fans of the new generation of home theatre and the movies about to be mentioned.  Personally all of these movies are either buys or rentals because they are all either movies that have a reputation to go along with them but I may not have seen all of them.  So this week on BluRay is:

10 Things I Hate About You


The Green Berets

Dogtown and Z Boys

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Andrew Robinson

This is my blog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My blog is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my blog is useless. Without my blog, I am useless. I must fire my blog true. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my blog and myself are defenders of my mind, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.