Mary (Brittany Murphy) is taking the morning off from work to take her boyfriend, Kevin (Dean Cain), to the hospital for surgery.  After a few hours of waiting in the lobby for him she realises that something has to be wrong.  She soon confronts some medical staff only to be told that her boyfriend is not in their system, the doctor he was coming to meet is on leave and there’s no one coming in for the kind of operation that she claims he was scheduled to do.  She’s left being accused of being insane and wondering who’s playing the sad joke on her.

Why are you reviewing this movie Andrew?  I guess the only reason is because I sat through it so that I could write my weekly DVD column over at The Film Stage, and it was so bad that if I don’t write about it I’m going to find even more reasons as to how much a waste of time the ninety-minutes I spent in front of the television yesterday was.

Brittany Murphy was never one of my favourite actresses, and I know it’s not good to speak ill of the dead but it’s true.  She never seemed to be anymore than a not so attractive version of every other blonde actress that shows up in romantic comedies every other weekend at the cinema.  She had that one part in Sin City which made me think that she could be okay, but she never at any point following that gave me much hope.  Cast alongside Dean Cain makes the movie even worse.  When one of my least favourite actresses, of my lifetime, turns in one of her less likeable performances and remains to be the best actress (or actor) in the film then you know you have a stinker on your hands.

The question that remains is if the movie is bad enough that it can be made entertaining thanks to the help of a few friends and some alcohol?  I think it might just be.  It has all the makings of a bad movie that’s so bad it becomes good.  It has: horrible acting, ridiculously cliché plot twists and some of the most stereotyped characters (I’m looking at you divorced police detective who ends up believing the girl in the end).  Sprinkle in a handful of lines so stupid that you believe you said it in a drunk message you left on your ex-girlfriend’s voice mail last night.

So in the end I’ll repeat myself.  Do not watch this movie without a minimum of two friend (preferably those who are good at making fun of movies) and five bottles of tequila.

IMDB says N/A

Rotten Tomatoes says N/A

I say 0/10 (I’ll allow it)

Andrew Robinson

This is my blog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My blog is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my blog is useless. Without my blog, I am useless. I must fire my blog true. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my blog and myself are defenders of my mind, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.

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