Ages ago mankind and mythical creatures made a truce that man would stay to the cities and the creatures to the forest. Now, Prince Nuada (Luke Goss) has decided to break that agreement in order to take over the land and rule it as it’s one and only king. He needs the power of the Golden Army to do this. Hellboy (Ron Perlman) is set on the path to stop him and destroy this army from ever being brought back to life. And so we go…

I was not a fan of the first Hellboy movie. It disappointed me; and especially for a comic book movie that I had no expectations to begin with since I didn’t read the book. I still haven’t gone to check the source material, so still just working off of what the director hands me. I must say though, I recently watched the first movie again [still didn’t like it] but decided on what Hellboy really is [besides a huge devil with a big gun]. Hellboy to me is really a kid-friendly Marv [from Sin City], he has a temper, once he decides to destroy something he’s going to, and he wears a coat.

I decided to watch the sequel though; especially since “Pan’s Labyrinth” I’ve decided that Guillermo Del Toro is a director to watch out for. And I think he shines in this movie, but not in any way that he already hasn’t in “Pan’s Labyrinth”. All the creatures in this movie are so much more varying than they were in part one and the action is a lot more frequent than the previous film. I loved Johann Krauss (Seth MacFarlane) in the movie. His character gave the movie a certain comedic edge that the first really didn’t have; at points it’s pretty cheesy but still fun.

The story for the movie is definitely not very noticeable. It feels a lot like a Japanese RPG, where all that happens is you find out you have to go there, you go there and get in a fight, then you go somewhere else and get in a fight, and it goes on and on till we reach the end and you’ve dealt with the big boss. And that is what I guess I was looking for in the first, but they spent so much time explaining what Hellboy really was, that they forgot to give me the action and the comic book cheese comedy [which is what Krauss is].

Now yes, I know a certain person will read this review and start making shouts [and possibly comments] of joy, at how I’ve explained how this sequel is so much better than the original film. But I guess it has to do with the fact that I didn’t like the origin story of this comic book, am not a fan of the comic, and on top of it all didn’t like the first movie [as I said earlier].

So if you’re like me and looking for something to fill the time until you can see The Dark Knight, this is the movie for you. And if you’re like me and find that you didn’t like the first movie due to the lack of action then it will surprise you, but still don’t believe that it will amaze you. The scenery and the creatures are definitely the best thing for me though, since I’m a huge fan of movie eye-candy. I honestly feel The Hobbit is in good hands after seeing this movie.

IMDB says 8.0/10

Rotten Tomatoes says 87%

I say 7.0/10

Andrew Robinson

This is my blog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My blog is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my blog is useless. Without my blog, I am useless. I must fire my blog true. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my blog and myself are defenders of my mind, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.

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